Sunday, December 30, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Fighting five-year-olds
Please, I came up with this years ago... except I was talking about stray cats.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Pass the mic
I'm still keeping my finger on the pulse of stupidity.
Dumb Blonde Mic Check - Watch more free videos
Dumb Blonde Mic Check - Watch more free videos
Monday, November 12, 2007
Friday, November 9, 2007
Paul/Kucinich 2008?
Maybe it's the Drambuie talking, but I think Tucker got pwned seriously hard... a few times.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Writer's guild strike
The only thing I support more than this is Ron Paul.
Sorry, Mudge, I love ya man, but I can't support a Yuengling boycott.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Today, I received the following email, with the subject line "urgent."
i am asking for your permission to enroll in your class. i am a 5th semester student and trying to study mass media communication and time is basically running out on me. so please if you can squeeze me in i would really appreciate it. thank you for your time and have a wonderful day.
First of all, with a subject line "urgent," I expect to see something about some fancy medicine that can cure baldness, ED, and give me millions of dollars. No. Sorry. But, still...
1. Who am I?
2. Who are you?
3. I teach multiple classes. Which class?
4. Is your shift key broken?
5. How is 5th semester a time running out situation?
6. Is this your copy and paste permission number request?
7. If you are trying to study mass media, what are you actually studying?
8. Should I put as much effort into a response as you did in this composition?
9. Is this representative of your work?
10. And ultimately, don't I decide what urgent is?
i am asking for your permission to enroll in your class. i am a 5th semester student and trying to study mass media communication and time is basically running out on me. so please if you can squeeze me in i would really appreciate it. thank you for your time and have a wonderful day.
First of all, with a subject line "urgent," I expect to see something about some fancy medicine that can cure baldness, ED, and give me millions of dollars. No. Sorry. But, still...
1. Who am I?
2. Who are you?
3. I teach multiple classes. Which class?
4. Is your shift key broken?
5. How is 5th semester a time running out situation?
6. Is this your copy and paste permission number request?
7. If you are trying to study mass media, what are you actually studying?
8. Should I put as much effort into a response as you did in this composition?
9. Is this representative of your work?
10. And ultimately, don't I decide what urgent is?
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
12 days, 16 hours
If you masturbate five minutes a day, every day, for ten years of your life, you will have spent 12 days and 16 hours of your life whacking off.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Pumps in a bump
Hammer has a push button controlled waterfall.
Hammer is wearing a banana hammock.
Hammer stiggity-steals his biggity-beats from Kriss Kross.
Hammer thought this beat was so good, it deserved to be played for 2 straight minutes with no lyrics.
Hammer has no fat friends.
Hammer says bump 142 times over the course of this song.
Hammer is still wearing a banana hammock.
Hammer's friends have 3 dance moves.
Hammer likes unnecessary clothes, like gloves with no fingers and vests.
Hammerpants come in denim.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Vacuum cleaners, some kid, and your self esteem
So, you stare at this for a while, and you think that people collect weird shit. But then you realize this is a kid and these are vacuum cleaners.
Then you feel a little bit better about yourself. Don't lie. You do.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
When do I love Angie Hart?
Rumor has it, there's a new album soon. Hell, it might already be out. Damned Aussies, cross a date-line already!
Monday, August 6, 2007
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Name calling
From Utah...
Bill does actually call the guy kooky, right? Not just his ideas?
So I'm beginning to honestly collect my thoughts on how to defeat Bill O'Reilly. Unfortunately, it's a game of cat and mouse, and the only way to win is not to be the mouse.
Bill does actually call the guy kooky, right? Not just his ideas?
So I'm beginning to honestly collect my thoughts on how to defeat Bill O'Reilly. Unfortunately, it's a game of cat and mouse, and the only way to win is not to be the mouse.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
"The Porn Myth"

The article is actually called, "The Porn Myth."
“For the first time in human history, the images’ power and allure have supplanted that of real naked women. Today, real naked women are just bad porn.”
Monday, July 30, 2007
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Who hates Mr. Rogers?
FOX News hates Mr. Rogers.
Where to begin...
I don't have a TV so I don't have to watch FOX News. I do see the occassional story from Hannity, Combs, John Gibson, and they're all fuckers. O'Reilly is no exception. (Thanks again to K.O.) Quite literally, Gibson makes me rather ill to look at him. I've heard the expression "having a face for radio." I think Gibson has a face for a shovel.
But now to slander Mr. Rogers? FOX and Friends, you cock-juggling thunder cunts...
Blame Mr. Rogers for students bitching about their grades. Blame a man that suggested that self-esteem could come from within, and not from the approval of others. Blame a man that devoted his life to making the world a better place. Do these things, then go fuck yourselves... perhaps with the same shovel that fixed Gibson's face.
What the world needs now is a villian. Yeah, a bad guy, a scapegoat. Preferably one that is so soft spoken he wouldn't get a word in a fair and unbiased debate. Oh, and if he's dead, that's a plus.
What's more, is that they invite a "doctor" on the show who acts as a "lifestyle contributor" and proceeds to provide a "common sense" perspective. Her resolution that Mr. Rogers is 'not so bad' after raising the issue that he may be the devil is worthy of drowning in baby shit. Try this on for size:
"Could the sun be the worst thing ever?"
"I mean, people get sun-burned."
"Lots of people are forced to wear lotions and sun-glasses."
"Seriously! Generations of people are forced to search for shade. Literally, kajillions of people have died due to dehydration caused by the sun!"
"Some people say that [insert current enemy in war on terror] might be behind the sun."
"But you know, I once saw a pretty sunset, so it's probably not all
And I don't know who I'm more mad at -- the (anonymous) person that did the study or fucking FOX News. I guess I can't really blame FOX for just being them. They are special. Kudos, FOX, now suck-start a gloc.
When the zombie uprising takes place, I would rather be bitten by Mr. Rogers than destroy his brain, but I somehow think even as a zed-word he'd retain some of that spirit.
Where to begin...
I don't have a TV so I don't have to watch FOX News. I do see the occassional story from Hannity, Combs, John Gibson, and they're all fuckers. O'Reilly is no exception. (Thanks again to K.O.) Quite literally, Gibson makes me rather ill to look at him. I've heard the expression "having a face for radio." I think Gibson has a face for a shovel.
But now to slander Mr. Rogers? FOX and Friends, you cock-juggling thunder cunts...
Blame Mr. Rogers for students bitching about their grades. Blame a man that suggested that self-esteem could come from within, and not from the approval of others. Blame a man that devoted his life to making the world a better place. Do these things, then go fuck yourselves... perhaps with the same shovel that fixed Gibson's face.
What the world needs now is a villian. Yeah, a bad guy, a scapegoat. Preferably one that is so soft spoken he wouldn't get a word in a fair and unbiased debate. Oh, and if he's dead, that's a plus.
What's more, is that they invite a "doctor" on the show who acts as a "lifestyle contributor" and proceeds to provide a "common sense" perspective. Her resolution that Mr. Rogers is 'not so bad' after raising the issue that he may be the devil is worthy of drowning in baby shit. Try this on for size:
"Could the sun be the worst thing ever?"
"I mean, people get sun-burned."
"Lots of people are forced to wear lotions and sun-glasses."
"Seriously! Generations of people are forced to search for shade. Literally, kajillions of people have died due to dehydration caused by the sun!"
"Some people say that [insert current enemy in war on terror] might be behind the sun."
"But you know, I once saw a pretty sunset, so it's probably not all
And I don't know who I'm more mad at -- the (anonymous) person that did the study or fucking FOX News. I guess I can't really blame FOX for just being them. They are special. Kudos, FOX, now suck-start a gloc.
When the zombie uprising takes place, I would rather be bitten by Mr. Rogers than destroy his brain, but I somehow think even as a zed-word he'd retain some of that spirit.
Monday, July 2, 2007
I hate LP
I hate Linkin Park. I met these guys when I worked at the hotel. Douche bags.
And where am I finding the time to make this post?
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Monday, June 11, 2007
Friday, June 8, 2007

Wikipedia's list of "people who have disappeared."
The following questions:
1. Did his body disappear, or is this wiki's right-wing commentary on the nation's (nay, world's) values?
2. What are the qualifications for disappearance? Must you have existed at some time?
3. Did anyone look behind the fridge? Sometimes when I lose stuff, it's behind the fridge.
4. How can you lose something that's omnipresent?
5. What happens if Jesus reappears? Who's going to update the wiki page during the second-coming?
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Sunday, May 20, 2007
(Haywood & Leary, 1969)
Monday, May 14, 2007
Never gonna run around and desert you.
At 2:07, why does the bartender bounce himself off of a fence?
One night in Paris...
Of all the news in the world, I like this story.
Simply because he says shit like, "I'm too busy worrying about other shit to deal with this cunted cunt."
Which is the correct answer. Always.
She's a fucking drunk driver.
And people are signing a petition to save her? Why??? Because she's Oprah? Because she's L. Ron? Because she's Bill O'Fucking-Reilly? No! She's a dumb slut. And I don't mean in that in the deragotory way. I mean, seriously, she's dumb: watch her show. [Actually, don't.] And she's a slut: watch her movies. [Seriously, do.] Dumb sluts deserve what they get. And if it doesn't itch, they deserve harder.
Simply because he says shit like, "I'm too busy worrying about other shit to deal with this cunted cunt."
Which is the correct answer. Always.
She's a fucking drunk driver.
And people are signing a petition to save her? Why??? Because she's Oprah? Because she's L. Ron? Because she's Bill O'Fucking-Reilly? No! She's a dumb slut. And I don't mean in that in the deragotory way. I mean, seriously, she's dumb: watch her show. [Actually, don't.] And she's a slut: watch her movies. [Seriously, do.] Dumb sluts deserve what they get. And if it doesn't itch, they deserve harder.
arnold schwarzenegger,
bill o'reilly,
paris hilton
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Thursday, May 3, 2007
3 Blog links worth checking out
Making fun of rap is cool.
Pictures with pretty colors are cool.
And I was going to find a third, but I'm hungry, so fuck ya.
Pictures with pretty colors are cool.
And I was going to find a third, but I'm hungry, so fuck ya.
Star Wars and Rupert Murdoch is buying the Wall Street Journal
I'm real excited about this.
I'm not so excited about this.
Bloomberg is apparently a good news source, reporting objectively, sticking to "business" points. But isn't anyone concerned that someone who admitted to trying to push a Republican agenda is trying to buy-out WSJ? I don't want my news like that.
I'm not so excited about this.
Bloomberg is apparently a good news source, reporting objectively, sticking to "business" points. But isn't anyone concerned that someone who admitted to trying to push a Republican agenda is trying to buy-out WSJ? I don't want my news like that.
fox news,
robot chicken,
rupert murdoch,
star wars,
wall street journal
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Why is the floor as low as you can go?
Legal American absinthe.

I had Absinthe in Prague.
In response to which, Pete said:
"Give it to me straight buddy, just how long am i gonna have to hose you off before you can get in my truck when i pick you up? Or are we talking riding in the back????"
I had Absinthe in Amsterdam.
And then I saw a guy with a "Stud Ranch" T-shirt.
I want Absinthe in Stafford.

I had Absinthe in Prague.
In response to which, Pete said:
"Give it to me straight buddy, just how long am i gonna have to hose you off before you can get in my truck when i pick you up? Or are we talking riding in the back????"
I had Absinthe in Amsterdam.
And then I saw a guy with a "Stud Ranch" T-shirt.
I want Absinthe in Stafford.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Show me that smile
The way of the master.
A sure fire way to induce vomiting.
I love it, I love it, I love it. It's like a scab. I have to pick at it, but then I just bleed more, and I don't heal. But, goddamnit, I need to pick that fuckin' scab.
A sure fire way to induce vomiting.
I love it, I love it, I love it. It's like a scab. I have to pick at it, but then I just bleed more, and I don't heal. But, goddamnit, I need to pick that fuckin' scab.
Live in Pittsburgh

Ten tips on how to get into a sold out baseball game.
Sure this is a decent list.
The punchline...
The first comment: "11. Live in Pittsburgh."
Sigh. And I've been to more Yankee games than Pirate games. But I did see Jack Wilson at Yankee Stadium lay down the most amazing bunt in the 8th inning down 11-1 in the pouring rain.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Shock G's Assholes

Check out Shock G's (aka Humpty Hump's) assholes.
Clearly, I've no desire to do anything that I should be doing.
digital underground,
humpty hump,
shock g
Bloviate me.
Let me first take Bill out of context. But can you really trust people that use the term "bloviate?" Seriously, you're supposed to forget that shit right after the SATs.
Yes, Bill, bloviate all night... all night long.
I know nothing about journalism, but...
A journalist, Bill, would know what a disclaimer is. He would also know how weak the language is. He would know that when you say you're not doing something, it's probably because you're going to do it. You're absolutely right, you would never demonize someone -- you are such the victim of an attack by the Public Broadcasting System.
A journalist, Bill, would not advocate dissent then stop someone (e.g., a professor of journalism) from dissenting. But I suppose if you are simply defending yourself, which is all any man can do, we can't criticize you for it. Let's defend ourselves... and let's do so by taking the fight to 'em.
A journalist, Bill? Bloviate me.
Look at it from another point of view. Imagine you're running your show. You know who's going to be on. You know what they're going to say. After all, you invited them. Now, also remember that your audience is a reactionary one, and your numbers are based on fear mongering and sensationalism. Add to it the fact that your entire network has been accused to being biased... what better way to prove you otherwise than to "invite" someone to your show from your own network that "disagrees" with you and show your distemper. Show us how much you WILL NOT STAND FOR IT. Show us how much you care that your reputation is being attacked. Make the whole thing look like you're both the victim and strong, staunch defender of journalistic news, and you've just executed a coup d'truth. gg Bill.
Yes, Bill, bloviate all night... all night long.
I know nothing about journalism, but...
A journalist, Bill, would know what a disclaimer is. He would also know how weak the language is. He would know that when you say you're not doing something, it's probably because you're going to do it. You're absolutely right, you would never demonize someone -- you are such the victim of an attack by the Public Broadcasting System.
A journalist, Bill, would not advocate dissent then stop someone (e.g., a professor of journalism) from dissenting. But I suppose if you are simply defending yourself, which is all any man can do, we can't criticize you for it. Let's defend ourselves... and let's do so by taking the fight to 'em.
A journalist, Bill? Bloviate me.
Look at it from another point of view. Imagine you're running your show. You know who's going to be on. You know what they're going to say. After all, you invited them. Now, also remember that your audience is a reactionary one, and your numbers are based on fear mongering and sensationalism. Add to it the fact that your entire network has been accused to being biased... what better way to prove you otherwise than to "invite" someone to your show from your own network that "disagrees" with you and show your distemper. Show us how much you WILL NOT STAND FOR IT. Show us how much you care that your reputation is being attacked. Make the whole thing look like you're both the victim and strong, staunch defender of journalistic news, and you've just executed a coup d'truth. gg Bill.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
Yesterday, I went to Big Y and bought all of their bananas.
All of them.
It cost $62.81.
I hate having expensive hobbies.
All of them.
It cost $62.81.
I hate having expensive hobbies.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Friday, April 13, 2007
Trade in my bike for a shopping cart
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Monday, April 9, 2007
Riding with Bob Saget
Although, I must disagree. Mr. Rogers is the illest motherfucker in a cardigan sweater.
Friday, April 6, 2007
Public speaking exercise
I used this exercise back when I taught public speaking. Although the contraption is nifty, it's much more 1. rewarding, and 2. degrading when I get to kick people in the nutties myself.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Continuation and termination
The Internal Review Board uses the same form (the IRB-2) for the purpose of 'continuing review of a current research project' as well as 'termination of a current research project.' This logic baffles me.
Appropriate, my be the analogy to the courtesy flush. A flush may indicate there is more shit to come, or that the shit is all done.
Moreover, what logically exists in this world as both a signal to continue as a single to stop. Reconcile this one, bitches. In San Antonio, the waitstaff would periodically bring us our check because they were afraid we'd walk out on a giant tab. I guess this says, "Stop, but keep going."
But no means no. Why the fuck should I have to tell them that I'm done. I'm pretty sure people can tell when I'm done.
And, I'm pretty sure there's no one on staff staring at my IRB-1 forms saying, "OMFGWTFBBQ! He better not still be collecting data. Or, if he's done, he better not do any statistical analysis after April 13 unless he completes the IRB-2 and newly updated IRB-1." If this person is on staff, I'd prefer them trying to get stuff approved. But I'd also prefer to tell them to go to hell.
In sum, the question "are you done or you still going?" is a legitimate one, but the answer "yes" (i.e., the IRB-2) is unacceptable to me. Then again, under the list of acceptable things to you is rejecting a form that was "out-of-date" because the newest form has a single change -- a single checkbox was added to indicate if this research is "unfunded" which I'm pretty sure would have fallen under "investigator out-of-pocket."
This message is now terminated. Or continued.
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Friday, March 30, 2007
Problems with porn these days
Someone has some problems with porn these days.
I'm going to go ahead and agree with most of this, especially the part about enthusiasm. Seriously, you're actors, if not bad ones -- at least bad act.
Pornographers, take your porn seriously. If it's amateur, I suppose that's fine -- but that's the allure of amateur porn: the fantasy that this may in fact be two people who actually want to fuck getting it the fuck on. So if the chic just lays there, it's a little more ok, because if it's natural, that's just how she is. Let me not be so focused on how the woman is acting, though. So how should the guy act?
Guys should always be quiet in porn. Seriously, not a word. I'm willing to accept the occassional grunt, moan, or cough, but no more. If a hand slaps an ass or a sack slaps whatever the hell a sack slaps, I'll accept that, too. And if the cameraman says anything, ANYTHING AT ALL, he should be smote.
In sum, porn is more than watching people fuck. It's watching people fuck properly. It's watching people fuck with enthusiasm. Hell, I love my job, and sometimes I have a hard time showing it -- but Jesus, pornstars, you fuck for a living (or at least coke), try to fucking show it.
I'm going to go ahead and agree with most of this, especially the part about enthusiasm. Seriously, you're actors, if not bad ones -- at least bad act.
Pornographers, take your porn seriously. If it's amateur, I suppose that's fine -- but that's the allure of amateur porn: the fantasy that this may in fact be two people who actually want to fuck getting it the fuck on. So if the chic just lays there, it's a little more ok, because if it's natural, that's just how she is. Let me not be so focused on how the woman is acting, though. So how should the guy act?
Guys should always be quiet in porn. Seriously, not a word. I'm willing to accept the occassional grunt, moan, or cough, but no more. If a hand slaps an ass or a sack slaps whatever the hell a sack slaps, I'll accept that, too. And if the cameraman says anything, ANYTHING AT ALL, he should be smote.
In sum, porn is more than watching people fuck. It's watching people fuck properly. It's watching people fuck with enthusiasm. Hell, I love my job, and sometimes I have a hard time showing it -- but Jesus, pornstars, you fuck for a living (or at least coke), try to fucking show it.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Who doesn't love some clubbin'?

Personally, I could probably go without it. I think a better pasttime would be skee-ball. Less moving around, and everyone gets to go at their own pace. Oh! And there'd be beer, lots of beer. But I think the track would have to longer so it felt a little more adult - and flat, because hills are for suckers. And of course the ball would be bigger, but a bigger ball would probably need holes. And there'd be gutters, and shoes, and a little machine that blows air for no apparent reason. And there shouldn't be as many fuckin' kids -- that's what the seals are for.
And we'd all get laid.
Personally, I could probably go without it. I think a better pasttime would be skee-ball. Less moving around, and everyone gets to go at their own pace. Oh! And there'd be beer, lots of beer. But I think the track would have to longer so it felt a little more adult - and flat, because hills are for suckers. And of course the ball would be bigger, but a bigger ball would probably need holes. And there'd be gutters, and shoes, and a little machine that blows air for no apparent reason. And there shouldn't be as many fuckin' kids -- that's what the seals are for.
And we'd all get laid.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Right to remain silent
It's two days before the oral defense of my comprehensive exams, and I find myself reading this article.
I think it's facinating how simple the techniques are. Yet we respond to stress in such complex ways. Nearly 80% of all people waive their right to remain silent, and thus undergo a complete interrogation. Four out of every five. I think, you think, your brother thinks, your father and your mother thinks that they can beat the interrogation -- innocent or guilty. Only one is smart enough to keep their mouth shut.
It's two days before my oral defense, and I don't have the right to remain silent.
I think it's facinating how simple the techniques are. Yet we respond to stress in such complex ways. Nearly 80% of all people waive their right to remain silent, and thus undergo a complete interrogation. Four out of every five. I think, you think, your brother thinks, your father and your mother thinks that they can beat the interrogation -- innocent or guilty. Only one is smart enough to keep their mouth shut.
It's two days before my oral defense, and I don't have the right to remain silent.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Friday, February 23, 2007
Chocolate raisins and french toast
I bought chocolate raisins and made french toast. This is what the raisins looked like:
And this is what the french toast looked like:
Monday, February 19, 2007
Systems theory
Exams start in less than 12 hours, and the beeping from the show 24 keeps going through my head.
I'm reviewing my notes on Systems Theory, which I've so diligently archived on my laptop. I actually took the notes on my laptop. Such a useful tool. About 12 or so lines after "Vaughn Bertalanffy" my notes... well...
Structure: The pattern by which system components are arraigned. (Role hierarchies, communication networks, etc.)Function: That which a behavior accomplishes. May or may not be a goal or conscious intent. What is accomplished by the behavior? I do not want to do this anymore because I feel like I have something else to do like watch Spinal Tap or sit around and beat myself in the head with a rolling pin or Rollie Fingers that old baseball pitcher. He's a classic example. Another old prpof had a thoery of closeness and behaviors within the family system. ak id runs away from home but the kids not attended to by the system. I need to stop. runs away, now we would assume if we look at it, RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RN WAY AUSNE FA RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RUN AWY\A\A SHOWER ME WITH ATTENTION! RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RUN AWAY
Four lines later, which I can only imagine is haiku-esque:
Haiku on beautiful day.
Functioning systems.
Excrete substances.
Social creatures trapped! Closed door.
Do all kinds of stuff.
Exit, leave the system.
We progress towards entropy.
Almost one hour gone.
In and out and in.
Information stratosphere.
Teenage girls? Bathrobes?
Condom bound'ry melts.
Clearly, system's too open.
Apostrophy hole.
Surpasystem, ho!!!!
We are System Dysfunction, yeah!
No. You're not. Boohoo.
Systemic problem:
Eye 1der f isle here bout
Sigma 1's dead dog.
And made louder yet
Was a man's loud creation
When he'd play with it.
I'm reviewing my notes on Systems Theory, which I've so diligently archived on my laptop. I actually took the notes on my laptop. Such a useful tool. About 12 or so lines after "Vaughn Bertalanffy" my notes... well...
Structure: The pattern by which system components are arraigned. (Role hierarchies, communication networks, etc.)Function: That which a behavior accomplishes. May or may not be a goal or conscious intent. What is accomplished by the behavior? I do not want to do this anymore because I feel like I have something else to do like watch Spinal Tap or sit around and beat myself in the head with a rolling pin or Rollie Fingers that old baseball pitcher. He's a classic example. Another old prpof had a thoery of closeness and behaviors within the family system. ak id runs away from home but the kids not attended to by the system. I need to stop. runs away, now we would assume if we look at it, RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RN WAY AUSNE FA RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RUN AWY\A\A SHOWER ME WITH ATTENTION! RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RUN AWAY
Four lines later, which I can only imagine is haiku-esque:
Haiku on beautiful day.
Functioning systems.
Excrete substances.
Social creatures trapped! Closed door.
Do all kinds of stuff.
Exit, leave the system.
We progress towards entropy.
Almost one hour gone.
In and out and in.
Information stratosphere.
Teenage girls? Bathrobes?
Condom bound'ry melts.
Clearly, system's too open.
Apostrophy hole.
Surpasystem, ho!!!!
We are System Dysfunction, yeah!
No. You're not. Boohoo.
Systemic problem:
Eye 1der f isle here bout
Sigma 1's dead dog.
And made louder yet
Was a man's loud creation
When he'd play with it.
general exam,
systems theory
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
With your see through skin -- the kind of skin you can see through.

I'm not sure if this lobster has been cooked, but I know it's not in its shell anymore. Take a look... a good hard look. I don't know why it's disturbing. Maybe it's disturbing that I've eaten nothing but microwave burritos for the past two days. Maybe it's disturbing because I've had nothing but microwave burritos for the past two days.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
There is a reason you failed chemistry.

Monday, February 12, 2007
Deformed person
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
THE cure for the hiccups.
This works. I've seen it work and I've used it myself.
It's not a glass of water, there's no peanut butter involved, and you don't have to stand on your head.
1. The person with the hiccups takes a deep breath and holds it in.
2. A friend then proceeds to blow air into the victim's mouth. Not too hard, though -- just enough to stretch 'em out a little more.
3. Cured.
The end.
It's not a glass of water, there's no peanut butter involved, and you don't have to stand on your head.
1. The person with the hiccups takes a deep breath and holds it in.
2. A friend then proceeds to blow air into the victim's mouth. Not too hard, though -- just enough to stretch 'em out a little more.
3. Cured.
The end.
Monday, January 29, 2007
The Shawshank of beers
Guinness is the Shawshank Redemption of beers.
Everyone agrees that Shawshank is an incredible movie, but rarely do people seem to name it as their fave or perhaps even in the top five. And only the fucking dumb can argue that Guinness is not a good beer.
Moreover, whenever SR is on, I have to watch it. Doesn't matter what else I'm watching. If it's on, I have to watch it. However, this isn't entirely true for the black stuff, however, I will drink it warm or cold or flat or bubbly or canned or bottled or keg'd.
Finally... well... I know how they both end. Andy got busy living, and I get busy farting. I can't be the only person that suffers from the Guinness farts. [google: guinness fart] But it's seriously debilitating. I have to light candles and open windows; I have to avoid social situations; I have to turn the volume up on my headphones because of my obnoxious bowel rumblings.
So please, take pity on those that drink that which makes us strong.
Everyone agrees that Shawshank is an incredible movie, but rarely do people seem to name it as their fave or perhaps even in the top five. And only the fucking dumb can argue that Guinness is not a good beer.
Moreover, whenever SR is on, I have to watch it. Doesn't matter what else I'm watching. If it's on, I have to watch it. However, this isn't entirely true for the black stuff, however, I will drink it warm or cold or flat or bubbly or canned or bottled or keg'd.
Finally... well... I know how they both end. Andy got busy living, and I get busy farting. I can't be the only person that suffers from the Guinness farts. [google: guinness fart] But it's seriously debilitating. I have to light candles and open windows; I have to avoid social situations; I have to turn the volume up on my headphones because of my obnoxious bowel rumblings.
So please, take pity on those that drink that which makes us strong.
Scooter's Insight
Scott McClellan is no Ari. There will never be another Ari. Ari was the man. But McClellan here makes a comment with such huge insight.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Don't stop me now
If you wanna have a good time, just give me a call!
don't stop me now,
shaun of the dead,
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Some salmon sometime soon
I have yet to try this. Although I could really go for some salmon sometime soon.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Jack Elrod
Mark Trail may be the best comic strip ever.

I happened upon this years and years ago when I was working 3rd shift at a hotel. Those were horrible days. Long, lonely hours. Nothing to do except clean jism off the occasional headboard. Radioactive lights sucking the life from you just so you could donate plasma for 20 bucks as soon as your shift was over so you could buy that bottle of gin to drink while watching MASH on the Hallmark channel.
And reading everything in the morning paper... promptly delivered at 5 am by the creepy guy who was probably too Christian to be gay -- except on the weekends when it was delivered by the guy who definitely played high school football but needed to wear a backbrace when he delivered papers. Sometimes he would bring his son. Personally, I would have disowned my father if I had to get up at ass a.m. to deliver papers.
Speaking of fathers, mine wrote a cryptic message in a birthday card this week:
Jeff Always know where your mousetraps are Dad. And that was it.
But this particular Mark Trail episode was the first I had ever actually read. It never occurred to me that... who am I kidding? This is the most boring attempt at a lameass Captain Planet anyone's ever seen. Hear that? Lameass Captain Planet. Err... Lameass Captain Planet. Either way, it's entertainment equivalent of taking a shit with your middle finger up your ass while eating beef jerky.
Still, this one comic captivated me. It had no beginning and no end. Just a woman talking about a wounded animal, a chick talking about her broken pipes (notice the chair in the background -- helps set the scene), then some dude keeping the soft side of his pimphand strong. What more can possibly be said in three frames?
To you Jack Elrod. Keep doing whatever the fuck it is you're doing.

I happened upon this years and years ago when I was working 3rd shift at a hotel. Those were horrible days. Long, lonely hours. Nothing to do except clean jism off the occasional headboard. Radioactive lights sucking the life from you just so you could donate plasma for 20 bucks as soon as your shift was over so you could buy that bottle of gin to drink while watching MASH on the Hallmark channel.
And reading everything in the morning paper... promptly delivered at 5 am by the creepy guy who was probably too Christian to be gay -- except on the weekends when it was delivered by the guy who definitely played high school football but needed to wear a backbrace when he delivered papers. Sometimes he would bring his son. Personally, I would have disowned my father if I had to get up at ass a.m. to deliver papers.
Speaking of fathers, mine wrote a cryptic message in a birthday card this week:
Jeff Always know where your mousetraps are Dad. And that was it.
But this particular Mark Trail episode was the first I had ever actually read. It never occurred to me that... who am I kidding? This is the most boring attempt at a lameass Captain Planet anyone's ever seen. Hear that? Lameass Captain Planet. Err... Lameass Captain Planet. Either way, it's entertainment equivalent of taking a shit with your middle finger up your ass while eating beef jerky.
Still, this one comic captivated me. It had no beginning and no end. Just a woman talking about a wounded animal, a chick talking about her broken pipes (notice the chair in the background -- helps set the scene), then some dude keeping the soft side of his pimphand strong. What more can possibly be said in three frames?
To you Jack Elrod. Keep doing whatever the fuck it is you're doing.
jack elrod,
mark trail,
Unanimous approval
People have been chomping at the bit, so here it is:
The minutes of the June 22, 2006 Board of Selectmen of Stafford Springs.
I would like to draw your attention to two points.
Point 3. There were some worthy candidates. I'm disappointed no one was nominated. You'll get them next time crazy epilepsy guy.
Point 4. I voted for Fransinelli based on his proofreading skills. gg
The minutes of the June 22, 2006 Board of Selectmen of Stafford Springs.
I would like to draw your attention to two points.
Point 3. There were some worthy candidates. I'm disappointed no one was nominated. You'll get them next time crazy epilepsy guy.
Point 4. I voted for Fransinelli based on his proofreading skills. gg
citizen of the month,
stafford springs
Disabled person must solve

So often we social scientists, especially communication scholars, spend our time focusing on the receiver. What message was heard? How do you respond? What are your perceptions of the source? And even this last question, well, it's still a perception. Ever wondered how hard it is to construct an actual message?
Monday, January 15, 2007
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Thursday, January 4, 2007
I hate it when people think that two of something is squared.
Two Jeffs does not maketh a Jeff-squared.
Two Jeffs does not maketh a Jeff-squared.
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Pilled to the gills and prowlin' through bars
A decent explanation of a favorite pasttime of mine.
By the time they explain the prevention tactics -- including moderation -- I think it was too late. Although they do seem to recommend taking a lot of pills when you drink.
By the time they explain the prevention tactics -- including moderation -- I think it was too late. Although they do seem to recommend taking a lot of pills when you drink.
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