Friday, March 30, 2007

Problems with porn these days

Someone has some problems with porn these days.

I'm going to go ahead and agree with most of this, especially the part about enthusiasm. Seriously, you're actors, if not bad ones -- at least bad act.

Pornographers, take your porn seriously. If it's amateur, I suppose that's fine -- but that's the allure of amateur porn: the fantasy that this may in fact be two people who actually want to fuck getting it the fuck on. So if the chic just lays there, it's a little more ok, because if it's natural, that's just how she is. Let me not be so focused on how the woman is acting, though. So how should the guy act?

Guys should always be quiet in porn. Seriously, not a word. I'm willing to accept the occassional grunt, moan, or cough, but no more. If a hand slaps an ass or a sack slaps whatever the hell a sack slaps, I'll accept that, too. And if the cameraman says anything, ANYTHING AT ALL, he should be smote.

In sum, porn is more than watching people fuck. It's watching people fuck properly. It's watching people fuck with enthusiasm. Hell, I love my job, and sometimes I have a hard time showing it -- but Jesus, pornstars, you fuck for a living (or at least coke), try to fucking show it.

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